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These events were dramatized in TV shows and. from the original on September 24, 2015. from the original on 12 June 2015. -- 19:38, 28 July 2011 UTC I think you've misinterpreted his post. A QAnon emblem upper left is raised during the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol. from the original on 30 July 2017. Alfonso III, Fernando 11 October 2012. 15:10, 8 February 2008 UTC I have switched to a source that does specifically mention 4chan, as well as removing the Wikinews links, as they don't specifically mention 4chan as being behind the attacks, they only mention a site described as a 'spinoff of 4chan'. Among other invalid links was the "Flag as Inappropriate" button, allowing pornography, redirection links and other inappropriate content to be hosted on youtube. Quarantining In 2015, Reddit introduced a quarantine policy to make visiting certain subreddits more difficult. Vice News. It was published by Tiger Team Inc. from the original on 20 March 2018. jpg 2 Stop updating the front page image every other minute 5 Hal Turner "controversy"? On August 24, 2018, Trump hosted , a leading QAnon promoter, in the for a. Brennan himself officially resigned in July 2016, turning the site over to its owner, and his son,. What are you hiding wikinazis? As baseless allegations of voting fraud spread following Trump's defeat in the election, QAnon followers advanced a hoax that voting machines made by had deleted millions of Trump votes. It ought to cover party hats, forced. -- 20:34, 2 January 2012 UTC BT DNS and HTTP block As of 6th Dec 4chan. from the original on 10 March 2018. For us the question is which is the worse evil? The ability for 2ch to generate enough income to stay open was damaged. Prince stated: "Unfortunately the action we take today won't fix hate online. 12:05, 13 January 2010 UTC deleted Trolling here doesn't work particularly well. Texas Republican Party slogan In August 2020, The New York Times suggested that the had chosen a new slogan taken directly from QAnon. See also and for additional information. 119, 30 September 2011 This has been answered. The 4chan article on Wikipedia gets over 3000 views daily. 2010 ownership by Evers [ ] In March 2010, a "Joseph Evers" was recognized as the owner by ABC News, reporting on the site being blacklisted by the. from the original on March 21, 2019. It's expensive to run a site of that size- if he was losing money, he would be losing A LOT. In general, anything that does not go against US law will not be removed. Archived from on December 31, 2016. On 7 February 2018, the day after banned the videos, the subreddit was banned as well. On October 7, 2020, it was announced that would remove all QAnon-related merchandise from its online marketplace. Peckham, Matt 22 April 2014. Since as early as March 2014, its has stated only one rule that is to be globally enforced: "Do not post, request, or link to any content illegal in the United States of America. from the original on May 26, 2018. , in a summer 2020 tweet later deleted , promoted his father's rally in Tulsa with an image of a large "Q" and the text "Where we go one, we go all. 2019 shootings The perpetrators of three mass shootings, all in 2019, each used 8chan to spread their manifesto. I don't think they are really notable. 08:02, 22 March 2008 UTC Oh well, last deletion review was in 2008 altough not that hysterical as in 2006 -. [ ]• I would have to question the reliability of any source that wasn't able to figure that out. References [ ]• Announces launch of new site "2ch. Facebook banned all QAnon groups and pages on October 6, 2020. The previous management was not able to generate enough income to pay the bills for the expenses of running 2ch. Darcie Nadel, writing for TurboNews, argued that these early creepypastas had to be somewhat believable and realistic to be re-posted. That Obama, Hillary Clinton, , and others are planning a coup against Trump and are involved in an international child sex-trafficking ring. Furthermore, Wikipedia is , and we do not omit information solely because it might upset a certain group of people or tarnish the reputation of something. Erik Martin, general manager of Reddit, defended the jailbait subreddit by saying that such controversial pages were a consequence of allowing free speech on the site. Danbooru-style boards [ ] Usually referred to as a "" plural "boorus". 19:08, 2 February 2008 UTC canadian medal of freedom lol there should be a section about the canadian pedophile that got caught with the help of Anonymous encyclopediadramatica. Like Kusaba, Kusaba X is written in PHP, and is designed with modularity in mind. Although there had previously been a strong contingent to 4chan activists, there was a gradual rightward turn on 4chan's politics board in the early-mid 2010s. Head of ACS:Law Andrew Crossley in a statement to a court addressed issues which influenced the decision to back down "I have ceased my work. , Leo Kelion, BBC News, 14 August 2013. -- 21:16, 8 December 2009 UTC I believe you're referring to walking bear. Matthew Lusk, a Florida candidate, told he was not a "brainwashed cult member," saying QAnon theories are a "legitimate something" and constitute a "very articulate screening of past events, a very articulate screening of present conditions, and a somewhat prophetic divination of where the political and geopolitical ball will be bouncing next. Charlie Ward and Martin Geddes are listed by as influential British promoters of QAnon, with Geddes "[running] one of the most popular QAnon Twitter accounts in the world". To show that the source is 'horribly incorrect', you may need some other reliable source to back you up. Longcat really isn't that long. Image also contains a poorly vectored image of Yao Ming copyrighted by the Associated Press, and the poorly vectorised Obama image is also likely to be copyrighted. from the original on 21 June 2014. Retrieved March 14, 2018 — via. Akhil spent the most time with Sunny before his suicide, weekends at Brown where he tried to help his youngest child foresee a future. Golson, Jordan November 8, 2008. org has archived the thread, and the raid is documented on "Knowyourmeme. — Preceding comment added by Can you prove that please? Registration is not available and users typically post anonymously; posting is , as threads receiving recent replies are "" to the top of their respective board and old threads are deleted as new ones are created. from the original on August 14, 2011. Might be down forever, but who knows. Later that year, the SPLC published a statement about the reactions to their report, saying it "provoked a tremendous response among men's rights activists MRAs and their sympathizers", and "It should be mentioned that the SPLC did not label MRAs as members of a hate movement; nor did our article claim that the grievances they air on their websites — false rape accusations, ruinous divorce settlements and the like — are all without merit. " Hope this illuminated the situation. from the original on 1 December 2017. He also expressed concern that he would be falsely labeled a child pornographer or anti-semite because of some of the subreddits he created. And I honestly can't see many reasons for the event to be included in this article. "bumped" threads, like most forums of course most popular threads have more posts, thus you are more likely to see them on top, but that's a different thing. As I originally stated: I do not much like accusations of canvassing without rational, and I do think that things would have been fine without your "murder anecdote". For some, these failures began the process of separation from the QAnon cult, while others urged in the form of an insurrection against the government. The game, Bullet to the Head of the NRA, was controversial because the player could take aim and shoot at members of the. txt does not have to be followed by search engines and the like, though many choose to. In 2012, , the site's then-CEO, stated, "We stand for free speech. from the original on October 20, 2011. It's like they are indifferent, if not oblivious to the pandemic. — 03:29, 2 April 2008 UTC Google 4chan - 1 million results Google o rly? Near the end of its existence, over 77,000 people were subscribed to the subreddit. Morris, Kevin 3 October 2011. from the original on January 25, 2012. " They propose the reason why the maxim resonated with so many people is because it "certainly seems true" for "anybody who has spent time surfing the Web". Users on the depression board often discuss or , and a controversy emerged in the board's community about whether to refer users to. Users claim to have insider information on news events. The post, accompanied by an image of another man holding a shotgun, threatened a shopping mall near. There are some sources for possible recreation of ED article at the bottom of subpage. 2 Edit request 2 BT DNS and HTTP block 3 "Memes" Image is completely wrong 4 My Little Pony 15 9gag 1 Arrests Section 1 Fags of 4chan 2 Link to 1 Board post rates 3 Update Needed 2 Make this open 1 "The most popular posts"? Rachel Bernstein, an expert on cults who specializes in recovery therapy, said, "What a movement such as QAnon has going for it, and why it will catch on like wildfire, is that it makes people feel connected to something important that other people don't yet know about. from the original on 10 June 2015. from the original on October 2, 2017. -- — 22:23, 3 September 2012 UTC If it has, it certainly hasn't been successful. Victims of "The Fappening" included high-profile names such as , and. is it notable also for this article? The images which included the altered signs were clearly taken at a Trump campaign rally, which have increasingly attracted adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory, so it is unknown if those particular signs were selected for inclusion deliberately or not. The movement has been linked with the. See also: The site has occasionally been the topic of controversy due to the presence of communities on the site known as "subreddits" devoted to explicit or controversial material. On March 1, 2004, Poole announced that he lacked the funds to pay the month's server bill, but was able to continue operations after receiving a swarm of donations from users. from the original on 19 April 2013. The average score on the feeling thermometer was just above 20, a very negative rating, and about half of what other political figures enjoy. According to , mistakenly included Hyde's image on their coverage of the shooting. But it is the right thing to do. com Mistake 16 November 2011 18 November 2011 newzbin. —Preceding comment added by 15:19, 14 June 2008 UTC The NYT article the Slashdot blurb is based off of ran a correction a bit after it was printed that says that Sprint, TW, and Verizion are only purging websites on their own servers. Moderators generally post without a name even when performing actions. org domain was affected, leading members to believe that the block was intentional. -- 00:47, 2 April 2008 UTC There are few issues here less important than the importance ranking. -- 19:06, 2 September 2010 UTC Greatest Gaming Competition Its been rumored that they had a major influence in the voting, using proxxys to help RAAM beat Breen. " Analysts says that the oath is part of QAnon's attempt to organize "digital soldiers" for the political and social apocalypse they see coming. Some code is specialised for the Sequenzia Project and AC Research. 73 million views on the day of the report. 23:13, 15 December 2010 UTC his statement in this diff actually seems to show he is aware and abiding by our WP:COI policy. — anonymous Internet personage active 2000—2001 who made several failed predictions• — Preceding comment added by• from the original on October 8, 2019. So you can't go off about newfags, because all of us were such once. Cushing, Tim September 4, 2018. Archived from on April 22, 2008. Archived from on January 11, 2010. The image of Peter Morley's comic strip was soon forgotten but the caption became instantly popular on the Internet. This needs sourcing or it is. from the original on September 10, 2019. from the original on 16 January 2019. 11:57, 18 February 2008 UTC I've added it back. Archived from on February 21, 2008. Audureau, William October 15, 2014. from the original on 28 October 2012. com's coverage, and I wanted to see if English disscussion care about this. 00:28, 20 February 2008 UTC I'd agree with that one; the Project Chanology debacle is more a significant event for 4chan, which is basically indistinguishable from Anonymous, so we might as well put it in the parent article. As of February 2021, the release of the film remains unconfirmed. 's Joseph Bernstein reported that many of KotakuInAction's moderators also moderate other subreddits "devoted to either the physical and emotional degradation and humiliation of women, or in subreddits devoted to mocking and delegitimizing the arguments and appearances of feminists and "". The script uses PHP, bash and rrdtool. 11:45, 18 March 2008 UTC Means two entirely different things. The next day, of the asked whether the White House encouraged the support of "QAnon fringe groups". from the original on 23 October 2014. , that there are people who ONLY contribute or engage with 4chan, and therefore that memes are ubiquitous across many individual sites, and established only after they have permeated the larger web. 02:56, 21 February 2008 UTC I suppose it's notable, but I don't know if there are any quality sources. 4chan is the Internet's most trafficked imageboard, according to the. 01:42, 4 May 2008 UTC No, thats the truth. "A Longitudinal Measurement Study of 4chan's Politically Incorrect Forum and its Effect on the Web". With the coverage surrounding Project Chanology, such as , I think there's mention of the memes enough that a list could be written. MLP:FiM deserves to be on there as much as , or. from the original on 1 December 2016. He also explained to the court the nature of the data given to the as part of the , including how users can be uniquely identified from site audit logs. 5 Being banned 3 4chans history 19 Verifiable? —Preceding comment added by 10:59, 13 August 2010 UTC I removed it completely. Kusaba and its derivatives were at one time some of the most popular imageboard solutions. I really doubt it is a plug for somethingawful. - 8 million results Conclusion: 4chan's prominent fads are more well-known than 4chan itself. 1 just like 4chan 0 It's coming back? His posts specifically targeted individuals who were highly hated in the community beforehand, namely Clinton, and. from the original on 27 June 2019. Ads will return shortly, as we begin to populate the positions with new advertisers. In the wake of Cloudflare and Tucows' changes, 8chan switched its domain register to , a division of Epik, a provider that had previously serviced far-right sites like and. -- 20:53, 4 April 2008 UTC The problem, as you say, is attribution to 4chan in particular. -- 12:58, 28 March 2008 UTC The article in question is download fees , citable in its printed form as Himmelein, Gerald 2008. The separation was mutual, and we wish Peter the best of luck with his business. 13:29, 9 April 2008 UTC We aren't here to honour sites, we are here to report about them in a way. When asked whether such boards were an inevitable result of free speech, Brennan responded: "Unfortunately, yes. Nowhere does it say that "4chan memes" have to have universal acceptance. The arrest temporarily disrupted operation of the wiki, but other members were able to resume Cleary's duties. I'm actually completely fine with things remaining civil. 21:43, 3 September 2012 UTC Unfortunately , and no doubt there's been canvassing going on. 16:18, 18 November 2010 UTC Notice of RfC of potential interest to editors Editors may be interested in expressing an opinion in relation to the RfC at. Lamoureux, Mack June 7, 2019. from the original on 29 June 2015. Please consider supporting the site by unblocking ads and visiting our sponsors, because they play a large role in keeping this behemoth afloat. History The exact origins of creepypasta are unknown. We don't want to list memes here - that's what Wikichan is for. That's why they are secondary, as opposed to primary. I think there is some sort of error in the article; some one has changed the rickroll-section to duckroll, which, you know, is kind of funny, but not really true. Users submitted entries such as "", "Fapple", several variations of "Gushing Granny", and " did nothing wrong". This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. The video has since been taken down. - 00:08, 4 July 2008 UTC Removed items I've removed the following: Besides , memes include the 'FBI party van' for legally questionable content. from the original on 23 July 2013. 20:32, 6 April 2008 UTC April Fool's Day 2008 YouTube, GameFAQs, LiveJournal, deviantART, and isoHunt are all running April Fool's Day pranks based on 4chan memes. rs formerly encyclopediadramatica. I think not much more needs to be said: Can some one write a 'm00t' article please? Reason being is because tumblr members are posting memes from 4chan without giving them credit. We Are the Nerds: The Birth and Tumultuous Life of Reddit, the Internet's Culture Laboratory. Anons In its most basic sense, an "" is an anonymous or pseudonymous Internet poster. New Zealand ISPs in the aftermath of the Christchurch mosque shootings Following the numerous ISPs temporarily blocked any site hosting a copy of the livestream of the shooting. On March 19, 2012, encyclopediadramatica. The sub was quarantined by Reddit admins in June 2019 for "threats of violence against police and public officials". But you can link to it at the bottom 08:27, 18 March 2012 UTC Update Needed I suggest you update the photo of the homepage as more boards have been put in place and it is an old picture — Preceding comment added by 21:16, 14 April 2012 UTC I think its fine 03:32, 20 April 2012 UTC Make this open We need to allow this page to be open for edits, as I have not seen any disruption for a few months, even when the article was unlocked a few years ago. But try connecting to the web from your Droid or Blackberry when attacks slow - and potentially block - use of our network all together. Robertson, Adi August 5, 2019. 11:42, 18 March 2008 UTC Since links to Encyclopedia Dramatica are barred, just go to ED and look at the DAS TROLLPARADIES article. k, 21 December 2010 Please remove "TIME TO FUCK THIS PAGE UP" 20:59, 21 December 2010 UTC Done, thanks. as a jewish woman nothing gets me hotter than the thought of being subjagated by a powerful aryan man. " It was written by someone who first heard of this person after the story reached mainstream news, and who never visited 4chan to find their perspective. I don't know which section to put it. I don't really see the point discussing further a nonexistent issue. In mid-May 2020, Google removed three other apps - QMAP, Q Alerts! Currently, the subreddit is quarantined. - 08:50, 6 June 2008 UTC 4chan blocked by ISPs 4chan has been included in sites that ISPs are not blocking. He becomes a who sneaks into houses at night and whispers "go to sleep" to his victims before killing them. 4chan has always held a "don't break the law" policy. However, the subreddit promoted rape and suicide. He was sentenced to six months in prison and further six months in. —Preceding comment added by 16:09, 1 November 2009 UTC Taken from the Wikipedia article on Racism: "Racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race". 4chan is a discussion board, which means it is website. Gilbert, David October 18, 2019. 3 Semi-protected edit request on 5 January 2015 3 moot's resignation 3 Gamergate 9 11 Source Review of GamerGate Allegations 4 "primordial soup-stains. Part of its appeal is its gamelike quality, in which followers attempt to solve riddles presented in Qdrops by connecting them to Trump speeches and tweets and other sources. Staff Writer December 16, 2005 , "2 Do: Monday, December 26", Chicago Tribune RedEye Edition, p. As an unsourced and likely not entirely uninformed response: Pedobear refers to an image of a "strutting" bear that is used on the internet in various linkages to pedophilia or child pornography. I hope that with proper management that 2ch can recover. 14:43, 6 April 2008 UTC ARTICLE IS LACKING IN FACTS I note that the Wikinazis have locked this article to prevent anyone correcting it. com Technical implementation 14 December 2013 16 December 2013 Several servers of wordpress. If you really want to push this idea that ED and Wikichan are "OR", then I guess we just have to outlaw Google searches, don't we?。 。 。



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Encyclopedia Dramatica

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